Free at Last!
At 1:52 pm this afternoon Branch was discharged from St. Thomas West!
He's feeling pretty good (all things considering), is able to walk around a little bit and most importantly, has a platelet count of 164,000!!!
A huge thank you to the INCREDIBLE staff at St. Thomas. We are so thankful his doctors, Dr. Porter and his surgeon Dr. Reynolds, were able to fix him up. We'll be forever grateful to his outstanding nurses, the hardest working women I've ever met, who took such good care of him: Kathy, Betty, Deb, Joy, Katie, Jennifer, Sari, and Rosie. And finally, the amazing techs: Debra, Jonathan, Mark and Tiffany.
Most importantly, thank you to our family and friends who supported us during this challenging time.
Specifically the ones who saved my sanity:
My Mom, who was locked in with the baby during Ice Storm 2015, for 4 days and 5 long nights with no help and no breaks. Can you even imagine? Because I can't!
Branch's parents, Jane & Bryan, who have had our dogs taking over their house since a week ago Monday, making sure they are fed and cared for (and lifting a huge weight off my shoulders!).
My Dad and Stepmom who flew up from Florida with a moment's notice, who have taken care of the baby since Thursday, and have washed every single item of clothing that I've been carting back and forth from the hospital (plus taking care of countless other household chores that I haven't been able to get to).
Branch's Aunt Rita and sister Lisa (who flew in from freaking California!!!) who made multiple visits, waited with us during the surgery and kept Branch's spirits up!
Dr. Daniel Rosenblatt & Nina Wall, who repeatedly visited us, entertained us, answered all of my preposterous medical questions (for free!) and brought us a grocery bag full of healthy snacks to keep us alive and functioning!
Finally a huge thanks to each of the other friends, family members and co-workers who
visited, called, texted, prayed, crossed their fingers and checked in to offer help.
I know I'm rambling (and getting somewhat emotional), but I couldn't have done it without you. Seriously. I would be in breakdown city.
Love y'all SO MUCH!
I am so glad that surgery went well and that his counts are already up so high! I am sure you were both glad to get to sleep in your own bed last night! What would we do without our families to help us through things like this? So glad you had help from so many different people.