2 months!
Can you believe it? Baby Bear is two months old!!
This week has been a bit of a rough one in the Howard household (at least for me!). I had my wisdom tooth removed, which was fine, until I developed dry socket and had to go back to the dentist on Saturday (and then again on Monday and then again on Wednesday). One Friday, we had to put down my mom's dog Tucker and while it was the best thing we could do for him, it was still really sad :(
But that's not what this post is about! Baby E is bigger than ever! At 2 months he has now moving up to 9 month sized clothing! He still eats 4.5 - 5 oz per meal (every 3-4 hours) and while he still sleeps through the night and naps a pretty good amount during the day, but he's much more awake than he used to be.

Little Lion
Baby Bear started sleeping in his crib this week!
Apparently he loves sleep as much as I do!
Easton loooooooves the bath. The kid is definitely a water baby. Since he's so big and heavy, and still can't support his head fully, I get in the bath with him to bathe him so it's easier to support him in the water. As soon as his body hits the water he splays his arms straight out to the side and closes his eyes!
Next to baths, Easton's favorite pastime is eating. He either eats with his arms out to the side or like this with his fists pulled up so tight to his chest:
Pickles flopped back to get in on the action :)
Now it's time for the monthly pictures! They went a little better this time than last month and it's pretty incredible to see how much he has grown!
It's all smiles for this guy!
Here is a comparison of this month and last month:
Can you believe it? We sure can't!
Love y'all!
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