Our Half Year Boy
How was your weekend?? I hope y'all all had a relaxing, fun filled time! I intended to post this on Saturday but we hardly spent any time at home. We were out enjoying the beautiful fall weather and hanging out with friends and family. If you've been missing our sweet boy, you're in luck- I've got about 30 that have been sitting in my Dropbox just waiting to be shared!
So I put him in his crib and came back in a few minutes later to find him sleeping like this...
One of Easton's visits to the office:
This boy has some enviable eyelashes...
And loves to play in sweet potato!
I got him an inflatable bathtub. I typically bathe him during the middle of the day when I'm home by myself (he has trouble staying awake in the evenings before bed) and this keeps him from falling back and whacking his head on the side of the tub.
I told you - we're both exhausted by the end of the day! This is why night time baths are tough to fit in!
Last weekend we made the best parenting purchase ever. Upon recommendation by multiple mothers at Play Class, we purchased this Baby Einstein jumper. We affectionately call it the "Joy Factory". He LOVES this thing. I'm now free to fold clothes, take a shower, and even enjoy a glass of wine on a Friday evening!
Easton at his 6 month checkup
The other morning, while we were cuddling in bed, he fell asleep like this, and woke up a minute later just laughing!
So I put him in his crib and came back in a few minutes later to find him sleeping like this...
Matching in stripes at breakfast:
One of Easton's visits to the office:
This boy has some enviable eyelashes...
And loves to play in sweet potato!
We got him one of those stacking ring toys...he's a little too young to actually stack them, but he enjoys mouthing all the parts.
In addition to chewing on the stackable rings, he really loves hats. My hats, Branch's hats, his own little hats. He'll pull them off your head and straight into his mouth.
I got him an inflatable bathtub. I typically bathe him during the middle of the day when I'm home by myself (he has trouble staying awake in the evenings before bed) and this keeps him from falling back and whacking his head on the side of the tub.
I told you - we're both exhausted by the end of the day! This is why night time baths are tough to fit in!
These are our two favorite pictures of our happy baby from the week: which is your favorite??
Branch's pick
And my favorite!
Lastly, I'm taking full advantage of this fall weather to get him into his warm weather clothes (since he's outgrowing everything so fast!) I made him take a mini photo shoot this week and while he wasn't excited at first, it's easy to kid the boy laughin'!
I hope you can imagine the giggles :)
Love y'all!
I like your favorite the best. :)