Easton is home!
Our little family is finally all together and at home!
Easton was discharged from the hospital yesterday at 4pm. He passed all his tests with flying colors and the doctor deemed it time for us to take over his care. Needless to say, we were a little nervous but so excited!
He's such a wonderful little baby and so far has been super mellow. He's not a big crier and is doing a great job being patient with us newbies! We're hoping things will stay like this, at least for a little bit!
Since he's been home, we've been on the continual newborn rotation of poop, eat, sleep, repeat. After his time spent in the NICU, Easton has gotten on a consistent schedule where he eats every 3 hours. He's a hearty eater and the schedule seems to keep him satisfied - it also prevents him from getting too hungry and irritated. In addition, he has a bit of jaundice and the doctor wants him to eat larger amounts frequently so that he produces a lot of stools to pass the jaundice out. He's currently eating about 2oz per meal (8x per day) and since we're still getting the hang of nursing, we finish every meal with a small bottle of formula to make sure he's satiated.

Branch has been the most wonderful husband and father! He has been so incredibly helpful to me and such a doting daddy. He helps with everything - changing diapers, running errands, feeding, burping, and taking care of me. My heart wants to explode with joy when I watch him holding his son - those two love each other so much already!
I'm recovering well and feeling better each day. Simple post-pregnancy pleasures: I can put my own shoes on, lay on my stomach and I've stopped waddling!
The dogs are also doing well! Driver is fascinated by Baby E while Pickles only recently decided to acknowledge his presence. Pickles isn't a fan of sharing my attention so this wasn't much of a surprise but Driver is already proving himself to be a loyal protector of our little man and hardly leaves the room.
I also want to thank everyone for their love, prayers and support. We've definitely felt them down here in Atlanta and while I know not everyone can be here all the time, knowing you care has gone a long way in bringing us home happy and healthy!
We have our first doctor's appointment tomorrow morning with the pediatrician! Wish us luck that we make it there in time!
Love y'all!
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