3 weeks!
Easton is 3 weeks old today and has gotten so big! According to the measurements we took last night, he's already grown another 2.5" - putting him at 23.5" (90th percentile if he was 4 weeks old...). Baby boy is tall!
Baby E must be going through a growth spurt because he is insatiable! I'm struggling to keep up and we've already had to dip into the reserves we had stored in the freezer. His night time sleeping is hit or miss. Sometimes he sleeps all night, sometimes he stays awake until 1am. Last night he threw us for a loop, falling asleep early but waking up at 4:30am and staying up.
He is officially completely out of newborn size clothes and is filling out the 3M clothes. Fingers crossed he's in that size for at least a month! He's also made the transition into size 1 diapers.
We've taken lots of pictures and haven't had a ton of time to post any of them so I'm just going to dump them all here. Enjoy!
Little BIG Guy!

Branch and his baby!
Laying in bed with me this morning after his breakfast
This face!
Sleepy baby
Silly baby!
We recently moved him out of our room at night but make full use of the video monitor to stalk him all night ;)
We'll be heading to Nashville for Branch's high school reunion this weekend and I can't wait to see all of our friends!! It'll be interesting traveling with the baby for the first time but hopefully all goes well!
Love y'all!
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