14 weeks
Did everyone have a good Fourth of July weekend? We sure did! And because every little boy should own a smocked romper with crabs holding flags...

On the Friday we went to the Hot Chicken Festival in East Nashville. The weather was AMAZING! It was in the high 70's, blue skies and a slight breeze.
On Saturday, we took it easy:

Can we take a minute to mourn this bouncer? Easton loved that chair. He had his first smile in that chair. He took many epic naps in that chair. Today, I walked into the living room to find Easton's head on the floor. It bent back too far under his weight. Oh, Beaston. #huskyboyproblems
On Saturday night we had friends over. The plan was to go out to dinner at a local restaurant but unbeknownst to us, it became 21+ after 5pm so we ordered pizza and drank beer out on the back patio.

My mom came over for dinner on Sunday and we grilled. She barely put Easton down!

Easton turned 14 weeks old yesterday. Right now, he's obsessed with ceiling fans. He hates tummy time but loves to stand up (still with a little support from us). He has a bald spot on the very back of his head that seems to be expanding - I tried to take a picture of it but since most of his hair is so light, it's hard to see a difference.
He definitely recognizes us now and it makes my heart feel so full when he takes a look at me and smiles. He started "giggling" this week, but it sounds more like a breathy hee-haw, if you can imagine that :) He's also starting to sleep in later in the morning (around 7-8am) so we're trying to put him down a little earlier at night. He's also moving around in his crib a lot more at night. We'll often find him in a position perpendicular to the one we put him down in...even though he's still swaddled.

I sure love this little chunk!

I've been busy out in the yard the past couple of weeks and can't wait to show y'all the progress. More posts to come!
Love y'all!
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