17 Months

Easton's 17 month update is a few days shy of him turning 18 months, but that's not too surprising considering how busy we've been trying to get settled into our new house! All of our free time has been dedicated to unpacking, cleaning gutters, and outdoor painting projects. I'll definitely update y'all with pictures as our projects are completed :)  

Y'all have already seen a lot of pictures from this month, and then I still have the pictures from our trip to Florida to post so these are random "in betweens".  

Sweets are a hit or miss with East. He usually refuses to try them but we were at an outdoor festival a few weeks back and thought he could use a popsicle. He devoured it!

Easton is FINALLY starting to enjoy the great outdoors! These were taken at our old townhouse (golly I'm SO behind!) where Easton would stand at the top of the hill and throw the soccer ball. It would roll down the hill to me and I'd toss it back up. Anything to keep our little toddler occupied!

Easton had his first haircut at 17 months. He didn't like it.

In fact, 17 months really marked the month when our sweet and completely laid back baby became an independent and opinionated little toddler. Yay!

"Why are you telling me know Mama?"

Baby E also took his first trip to the ER at 17 months. He hit his forehead on the corner of a tile step when reaching down to pick up a toy. There was blood EVERYWHERE. 

By the time we got to the hospital, which fortunately was less than 5 minutes away, the tears had stopped.

We did our best to keep him occupied while waiting to get checked out. 

Unfortunately, our poor baby needed 3 stitches to close the surprisingly deep wound. I typically try to put a positive spin on things, but honestly this was the worst parenting experience Branch and I have had so far. It was absolutely terrible! 

We took it easy for the first couple of days and stayed home:

But we were soon ready to enter the world again!

I'll leave you with these cute pics from the old house where East was being a big ham and rolling all over the floor! Sure do love that little man!

Love y'all!


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