16 months

Baby boy is 16 months and is finally on his feet to move around! Thank goodness, we finally have a walker!
It also meant he got moved up to the toddler room at the YMCA!

To be honest, I can't tell if he can get into more now than he could before. Sure, he does silly things - like try to wear burp rags as scarves....

...and quietly sneak away to unroll an entire roll of toilet paper...

...and wash his feet off in the dog's water bowl. But he could do all those things before he was up on two feet! ;)

One noticeable difference is that Easton is requiring more entertainment these days. Thank goodness for things like: the mechanical pony outside of Kroger...

All the new toys at the Drop in Daycare...

Shopping carts with steering wheels...

And pens and notepads at restaurants!

He's still a sweet cuddle bug :)

In case you were wondering, Easton still loves to eat. (And apparently we love to take pictures of him eating...)

And he definitely still loves going to the pool!

Two things he's still not crazy about, even though these pictures don't really show it, are taking baths and riding his blue donkey. 

We were lucky enough to get to have some fun date nights this past month. We went to a minor league baseball game at the new Nashville Sounds stadium:

And celebrated Branch's birthday with massages, a visit to a local brewery, and dinner at the incredible Rolf & Daughters.

And finally, for the big news! We bought our first house!!!! Our close date is set for September 10th, however the sellers are anxious to get into their new house so fingers closed we're able to move it up sooner!
The house is a really cool, completely renovated, 1940's craftsman cottage loaded with character! The previous owners did an amazing job with the reno and it's a great mix of original charm with modern-day "luxuries". More (and better quality!) pictures to come soon!

Love y'all!


  1. Agghhhhh! A HOUSE!!!! I'm so excited for you! And those WOOD BEAMS!!! I can't wait to see more pictures. I'm going to need a house tour. Just go ahead and get your video camera out and do one YHL-style for me. :) Fingers crossed that y'all get to move in sooner.
    Oh, and that dog water bowl picture is one of my faves.


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